US: Biden-Harris Administration Launches the White House Challenge to Save Lives from Overdose

America’s overdose crisis impacts all of us.

Families in small towns, large cities, Tribal lands, and every community in between are affected, no matter who they are, what they look like, or how much money they make. That’s why President Biden named beating the opioid and overdose crisis a key pillar of his Unity Agenda during his first State of the Union Address.

President Biden’s Unity Agenda focuses on issues on which all Americans can come together and make progress for the Nation. The Biden-Harris Administration has worked to strengthen not only the whole-of-government response, but also the whole-of-society response to address this public health and public safety crisis head-on.

The White House Challenge to Save Lives from Overdose is a nationwide call-to-action to stakeholders across all sectors to commit to save lives by increasing training on and access to life-saving opioid overdose reversal medications.

An overdose can happen anywhere, to anyone. That’s why the Biden-Harris Administration has made historic investments and taken historic action to expand access to opioid overdose reversal medications. But we need stakeholders in every community across the country to help ensure preventable deaths are avoided. Organizations and businesses—big or small, public or private—should be ready to help keep their employees, customers, and communities safe.

To help more Americans save lives, we are encouraging leaders to commit to train employees on opioid overdose reversal medications, keep the medications in first aid kits, and distribute medications to employees and customers so they might save a life at home, work, or in their communities.

Together we can save lives and beat the overdose crisis. Join the Campaign.


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