Welcome to the United States of America!
As witnessed in our daily lives, the United States of America is experiencing a substance abuse crisis of epic proportions. While there is no singular answer to address this issue, there are varied strategic attempts ongoing across our nation, and until the US develops a solid diverse, synchronized approach to the numerous issues defining the substance abuse problem, our nation will continue to spin out of control.
In a heartfelt effort to identify and define the diverse ongoing efforts, NADDI has attempted to recognize, state by state, the overdose prevention resources and programs that are currently in existence, and ultimately locate the strongest practices in effect. The goal is to facilitate an approach to the development of a model overdose prevention program. This crucial step can only be accomplished by first identifying the solid multi-faceted tactics that are gaining ground, and then adopting these measures as a complete package.
While there is no perfect solution to date, each state has its strengths and weaknesses. NADDI hopes a comprehensive evaluation of the identifiable overdose prevention related resources in existence within the framework of each state with assist us in gaining a unique response to this ongoing crisis.
Please submit any additional information, resources, or feedback to NADDI Chief Operating Officer, Lisa McElhaney at lmcelhaney@naddi.org.
Thank you for your dedication to the many diverse issues we face every day and Godspeed on your journey.