The committee will distribute funds through mini-grant opportunities of up $10,000 per application.
In response to the rise of substance abuse and misuse struggles, Orange County is taking action to empower grassroots and community-based organizations and agencies to address the very heart of these issues.
Through funding provided by the National Opioid Settlement, Orange County is initially receiving in excess of $74,000. Appointed by the Orange County Commissioners, a five-person advisory board will identify best practices and oversee the distribution and utilization of these funds. Utilizing finance administration via the nonprofit capabilities of the Orange County Community Foundation, Inc., the committee will distribute funds through mini-grant opportunities of up $10,000 per application.
Lead applicants are required to be designated as tax-exempt by the Internal Revenue Service or governmental agencies, but are strongly recommended to partner with other less-funded agencies, programs, and for-profit entities with fewer resources with which to carry out their missions of tackling substance abuse and addiction in Orange County.
Those applicants chosen to receive NOS funding will be those seen as supporting innovative and impactful projects that cater to the county’s specific needs in the area of substance abuse. These grants are designed to inspire and motivate organizations and agencies to develop creative programs that will prevent and deter substance abuse, as well as treat and counsel those who are experiencing problems with abuse and addiction. Application deadline is Oct. 13, 2023, with announcements of selections made on or before Friday, Nov. 3, 2023. Grants are for one year and must meet at least one of the following eligibility requirements:
• Naloxone or other FDA-approved drug to reverse opioid overdose
• Medication-assisted treatment (MAT) distribution and other opioid-related treatment
• Pregnant and postpartum women
• Expanding treatment for neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS)
• Expansion of warm hand-off programs and recovery services
• Treatment for incarcerated populations
• Prevention programs
• Expanding syringe programs
• Evidence-based data collection and research analyzing the effectiveness of the abatement strategies within the state
• Treat opioid use disorder
• Support people in treatment and recovery
• Connect people who need help to the help they need (connection to care)
• Address the needs of criminal justice-involved persons
• Address the needs of pregnant or parenting women and their families, including babies with neonatal abstinence syndrome
• Prevent over-prescribing and ensure appropriate prescribing and dispensing of opioids
• Prevent misuse of opioids
• Prevent overdose deaths and other harms (harm reduction)
• First responders
• Leadership, planning, and coordination
• Research
Application is available at Deadline is Oct. 13 at 4 p.m. Grants will be announced after Oct. 26.